The CRC can provide financial help for individuals and families in need of assistance to prevent discontinuation of necessary services, eviction, and other basic needs. These funds are limited and an appointment must be scheduled with our resource coordinator. Some documentation will be required. All assistance is provided direct to the utility company, landlord or mortgage company.
Housing – Assistance available to alleviate and avoid homelessness in the form of rent and/or mortgage assistance. Limited resources are also available for move-in costs in some cases.
Utility – Assistance for essential needs like water and heat.
Free or low-cost glasses and hearing aids thanks to a partnership with our local Lions Club.
Vehicle/Fuel Assistance – Fuel vouchers are available to help individuals get to needed appointments like medical, court and social service appointments, work and school. Limited resources are available to make minor vehicle repairs.
Other Basic Needs Assistance – Food vouchers are available for extreme circumstances when the local food banks are unavailable. Assistance can also be provided for other needs not otherwise being addressed: required supplies for school or employment, clothing, and if it isn’t something we have we would be happy to work with you to find what you need.
CRC provides individuals and families of all abilities with information about local, state and federal programs and resources they may be eligible for. In some cases staff can assist with paperwork and applications. More intensive support is available in the form of case management. Work with a trained and experienced staff person on goal setting geared towards stability and self-sufficiency.
WIC is a nutrition program that helps pregnant women, new mothers, and children under 5 years of age eat well, learn about nutrition, and stay healthy. Please call in advance to ensure availability.
WIC provides:
Health Screening
Nutrition and health education
Information and support for breastfeeding
Help getting other services
Checks for nutritious foods
To get more information on whether you are income eligible and how to access services, please call 360-854-0435 if you are a Stanwood resident. Please call 360-544-2633 if you are a Camano Island resident.
TRAC provides comprehensive vocational assistance services for all job seekers regardless of personal circumstances, to match qualified candidates to appropriate job openings, and to increase the vocational skills of Western Washington job seekers and employees to meet the emerging need of employers. They strive to assist all disadvantaged job seekers, including disabled, veteran, homeless, public benefit recipients, Limited English Proficient (LEP), low-basic skills, illiterate, mature workers (55+), minority (including race, ethnicity, and religion), and long-term unemployed.